Staff Directory


Originally founded in 1942 by legendary African-American publisher JOHN H. JOHNSON, NEGRO DIGEST ™  laid the foundation for EBONY and JET magazines and the modern black media industry. Three years after its relaunch in 2021 -- by award-winning filmmaker, music producer and new media pioneer BAYER L. MACK -- the new NEGRO DIGEST ™ is one of America's fastest-growing black owned media companies and the only publication of note specifically designed for African-American men. Unlike most of our competitors, NEGRO DIGEST ™ is "community driven" not "celebrity driven." Our mission is to encourage a return to the traditional values of faith, family and hard work that made black America great.

We cordially invite you to be part of our journey, history and path forward.


The Only Magazine for Black Men In America

Publisher/Editor-in-Chief: Bayer Mack

Contributors:  Asista Toldja, John P. Comer, Urban Warhol, Wayne A. Young

Executive VP of Sales: Aldis Presley

Artists: Antonio Ve, Dhananjaya P

Legal Affairs: Frances P. Rice

Community Outreach: Payton Mack

If you have a newsworthy story you'd like to share with NEGRO DIGEST ™,  contact our newsroom by email at or simply use the form below.