DON'T VOTE REPUBLICAN, Elect Better Democrats

Posted by Nd Politics on 13th Aug 2024

DON'T VOTE REPUBLICAN, Elect Better Democrats

NEGRO DIGEST ™ The Only Magazine For Black Men In America

Biography: Who is Don Samuels?

DON SAMUELS (75) is challenging the radical Muslim anti-Semite House Representative ILHAN OMAR (41) in the Democratic primary for Minnesota's 5th District. The son of a Pentecostal preacher, Samuels was born on the island of Jamaica. After giving up a career in gospel music, he emigrated to America, where he found success designing toys for companies like Hasbro, Playskool, and Milton Bradley.

Samuels, who is a former city council member, waged a competitive campaign against Omar back in 2022 and lost by only 2 percentage points. Moderate/traditional Democrats, like Samuels, have recently defeated two members of "The Squad," an informal coalition of (mostly-female) radical U.S. House members led by socialist ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ (34)

African-American "Squad" members JAMAAL BOWMAN (48) of New York and anti-Israel faith healer CORI BUSH (48) of Missouri, who both lost their primaries, were unqualified career opportunists, but they're homegrown.

Omar and Samuels are black immigrants, but that's where the similarites end.

Don Samuels and his family

Samuels, a Christian, met his black American wife while vounteering in church. 

Omar, a Muslim,  religiously  married AHMED HIRSI (44) is 2002, but not legally. Omar and Hirsi had two children, then obtained a religious divorce in 2008. The following year, Omar married AHMED NUR SAID ELMIwho many suspect is her brother, both religiously and legally. 

In 2011, Omar and Elmi divorced religiously, but remained married legally. Then, in 2012, Omar and Hirsi reconciled and had a third child, which led to Omar legally divorcing Elmi in 2017, and legally marrying Hirsi in 2018.

The next year, Omar divorced Hirsi and  started sleeping with her white political advisor, TIM MYNATT (43), who left his 55-year-old physician wife to marry Omar. Two months ago, Mynett was accused of defrauding investors in a California winery and stiffing marijuana growers  in South Dakota. 

Now critics are accusing Omar,  who was embroiled in a voter fraud scandal in 2020, of illegally funneling her campaign funds into Mynett's shady business deals.

Ilhan Omar and her husband Tim Mynett

That's not to say Samuels, who has  a reputation for inflammatory rhetoric, is without his own past controversies. 

In a 2007 magazine interview, Samuels infamously remarked, "I've said burn North High School down!" and set off a political firestorm in the local media. Four months ago, however, North High School was the subject of an NPR story about firearm injuries being the leading cause of death for children and teens over the age of 1 in America.

So, it looks like Samuels' criticism was spot on. It just took the local press nearly two decades to see that he has more in common with principal JOE LOUIS CLARK (82), from the film Lean On Me, than CHE GUEVARA (39).

Perhaps, the local African-American community, which is still recovering from the GEORGE FLOYD (46) riots and the failed leadership of TIM WALZ (60), needs more "crazy old Joes", like Don Samuels, and fewer morally-bankrupt raquet club revolutionaries, like Ilhan Omar.

Source: Associated Press

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